BladeCore® Covid19 Update - 03/25/20
Today, we received confirmation that Exodus Machines Inc. ™, including BladeCore™, Connect Work Tools™, OilQuickUSA™ and ShearCore™, will re-open our office Thursday morning at 8 am. Read more from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation on essential businesses.
The safety of our employees, their families, our customers, vendors and community are of top priority. Office staff who are effectively able to work remotely will continue to do so until the Safer at Home Order is lifted.
Questions? Contact us today!
BladeCore® Covid19 Update - 03/24/20
On Monday, March 23, 2020, Wisconsin’s Governor Tony Evers issued a ‘Safer at Home’ order closing all non-essential businesses, which includes Exodus – BladeCore™, Connect Work Tools™ OilQuickUSA™, and ShearCore™ – effective 8 am on Wednesday, March 24.
What does this mean for you?
- Our phones will continue to be answered from 8 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday
- Shipping of parts will be on hold unless you are deemed an *essential business
- Service of machines will be on hold unless deemed an *essential business
- Manufacturing facility will be shut down during the ‘Safer at Home’ order
- Our sales teams are continuing to work from home (as are many of our other team members) – schedule a call with them today to say hi
If you are deemed an *essential business and need parts or service, please call us at 715.395.5813 or email us at We will work with you to get the parts and/or services you need as quickly as possible.
*Please note that if you are deemed an essential business you will need to provided a letter certifying this as defined by the State of Wisconsin (click here to learn more).
Our service team is able to answer calls to help with troubleshooting.
We recognize we are in unchartered waters and believe that at the end of this, together we will become stronger, more efficient and create bonds that will last a lifetime.
Questions? Contact us today!